

When is it time to stop bathing son & daughter together?

   I have been bathing Chloe and Max together since I was able to. I had Max in the little suction seat at about 6 months old. Chloe was 2 1/2 at that time . It was so cute, the things great pictures are made of! Maybe I should have stopped when Chloe asked where her balls were, but I pushed on because it made my life a bit easier!

   The fighting over bath toys made me reconsider the shared bath time. It started becoming more of a stressful time (to add to the many other stressful times throughout the day). Then it was the bad behavior together that made me rethink bath time . The crazy splashing, floor soak and wet. I loved seeing their little coolies side by side when they were lying on their bellies next to each other in the was hard to stop. That was-until Max climbed on top of Chloe and began to sing "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle" while shaking back and forth while on top of her! That was the final straw.

   Having separate bath times doesn't only mean more work for me, it means my kids are growing up. My kids aren't babies anymore. Its crazy how a simple thing like bath time can have such a big impact on me. A simple thing like bath time that I'll miss doing together forever.

   Whats going to happen to me when they don't need me to bathe them anymore? ! ? Ahhhh, the bittersweet moments of motherhood. I never though I would be such a pansy ass!


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