

Organization = sanity

   Disorganization makes me feel all sorts of crazy! It definitely gives me anxiety. To me, it is a representation of my life. If your house is a mess- so is your life! When my house is together, I have more patience with the kids and I just feel like I can tackle the day more easily with them- maybe even play without worrying about everything that has to be done in the house. My way of looking at it may be a little extreme- but this is how I feel. It drives me crazy when my house is in shambles (which is most of the time, except my bathroom). When my house is neat and organized, I  feel so doesn't last very long with a 4 & 2 year old.

   In my efforts to become more organized in 2012, I've been looking for ways to make my home an easier place to live in by organizing, organizing and throwing out! I LOVE throwing stuff out! My husband, not so much! I was by a friends house and opened up her cabinet to look for a glass but opened up her spice cabinet instead. It was beautiful! (shout out mar!) She had this tiered mechanism that I had to have. Its something little- but like the famous saying, Rome wasn't built in a day. I think by understanding that and by doing little by little, I will one day have the organized home I long for. For today, its the spice cabinet bringing a smile to my face!

  I bought this Copco shelf organizer in Bed Bath and Beyond for $5.99. Such an inexpensive fix that packs a big punch!

Before, my cabinet had no rhyme or reason leaving it very hard to find spices in the back. Basically, a hot mess!

After using the shelf organizer, I can easily see all of my spices! It doesn't make me cringe when I open the cabinet! I'm no org junkie, but I am one step closer to sanity!

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