

Crib Life Chronicles 4 - The Guilt Trip

  The tough love thing works with my kids when it comes to sleep. We are down to Max waking just once at night. He's not letting us off that easy though.

 As soon as I hear the pitter- pattering of his little feet, I wake up hubby and tell him to walk him back to his bed. I do this because I am the weakest link. He goes right back in his room but lets out the saddest, "I miss you, Mama"over and over again! Its already hard enough for me not to let him in my bed- when I hear that, it breaks my heart. I love cuddling and waking up next to him -so he should only know this is just as hard for much I want to return the, "I miss you, Max"!

   He also pulls out the "your mean" that he learned from Chloe. This stabs me in the heart because I do in fact feel mean sending him back to his bed. Hes trying to work every emotion from sadness to anger to manipulate. He can possibly get over on me. This is why I push the job over on my husband! He has more will power than me.

   The only thing getting me through this is the fact that it is working, and we are ALL getting a better nights sleep. Waking a few times per night has been reduced to just once- so we are making strides! As much as I would love to let him in for a 3am cuddle- its not helping us get the rest we need. I have to be strong, cover my ears while hes laying it on, and get back to sleep for sleeps sake!  

   I hope to conclude Crib Life Chronicles soon when there are no more wake ups or tales from the toddler bed...then I'll be writing about how I miss it! As for now, I'm taking it one "I miss you Mama" at a time.

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