

Faux Football Fan

Because of all the kid less football Sundays that my husband has gotten to enjoy over the past 4 years, I plan to do the same next season. I plan on becoming a football "fan" next season. I do like food and I would love a Sunday afternoon Mimosa, so why not tag along on his football excursions or go to a bar with friends? Why is it that guys get a free Sunday sans kids, and it becomes an ordinary day for me alone with them? Well, no more my friends. I will learn to cheer when cheering need be. I will learn the proper terminology for the game. I will even go as far as to prepare some game worthy food for my new found Sunday activity. I might not grow to love the game, but trust me- I will love every Sunday eating and drinking away from the kids. I will exude enjoyment, even if I have to fake it. Wont be the first time! Hut, hut, hut!!! For the love of the game (or not), the love of Mark Sanchez and Tom Brady, and last, but certainly not least, the love of a kid free Sunday- GO TEAM!!!

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