Finally- a place to keep all the school artwork that comes home!
I admit to being a hoarder when it comes to anything my kids create! With the amount of artwork Chloe has been coming home with from Pre-K, along with the artwork I had from her previous school year, I knew I had to find some kind of storage solution. The box I was storing it all in was no longer working. A friend of mine found this great portfolio. I will definitely need to order another for Chloe. I believe this one will store 3 schools years worth of art. The other will most likely hold the rest.
This is the box I was shoving storing her work in! I ordered the portfolio from Leaps and Bounds for $17.99. As you can see, it is a much better solution to the box on the left! I love that it has a place for her picture on the front and really like the labels on top to separate the work by grade.
Murphy seems to like it- so I'm sure you will as well! Here it is filled with the work from last year and this year (so far). I'm hoping it will fit in Kindergarten as well and then I will order an additional one for the years to come.
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