Erik's passion came across the first moment he began he show. He excitedly spoke about each reptile, explaining where they came and what they ate. Some of his stories were both hysterical and crazy like the one where an animal urinated on him while holding it close to his face- burning his eyes for hours!!
He started out with small reptiles showing the kids tree frogs and allowing time for each child to touch them & high five them! I was surprised Chloe happily partook in the touching!
He moved quickly along to the bigger reptiles like Ms. B, a Water Monitor Lizard. The parents and kids were taken aback when he whipped this lady out! Chloe quickly ran away and hid behind me!
The craziest part of the show is when he fed Ms. B a rat! My kids stood there in awe...or maybe they were a little freaked out! Watch the video below!
Crazy, right? I guess they weren't too freaked out because both Max and Chloe keep replaying this clip over and over!
Erik does birthday parties as well!