

Cut food into mini pumpkins for picky eaters on Halloween!

My kids love when I cut their food into shapes. I have a set of cutters from The Pampered Chef that I use for fruit, sandwiches, cheese, cookies- you can really be creative with it. I used it to make pumpkin shaped pancakes this morning for breakfast & Chloe cleared her plate which is unusual!! I also cut her peanut butter & jelly sandwich into pumpkins for her school lunch. This is a must have in my house! It may make for more work for me but it pays off when they actually eat!!!

Pumpkin shaped pancakes
Pumpkin shaped peanut butter & jelly sandwich
Cute, healthy & a big hit with a picky eater!!!


Happy Halloween!!!

Dont get rid of the pumpkins just yet- I laid out newspaper on our table & let the kids have some fun arts & crafts time!! I bought Crayola finger paint & some glitter sticks. With a little finishing touches from Grandma, they really came out cute!

Max hard at work!

Chloe enjoying herself!

Newspaper makes for easy clean up

Not all the paint made it on the pumpkins!

Chloe's creation!!!

I joined in on the fun too!!!

Grandma's finishing touches

How cute are these rainboots?

I bought these Crocs rainboots for my two year old son....not sure who likes them more!!! He wants to wear them every day- rain or shine!!!!
Guiliana Rancic from E! News also tweeted about these after purchasing them for her newphew!!


The Magic Eraser really is magic!

I was taking my kids on an outdoor photo shoot and didnt want to put new sneakers on my son- it rained the day before and I figured it would be muddy. I was wiping his Converse off with a baby wipe when from across the room I spotted the Magic Eraser! It cleaned them so well that they looked brand new! This is for sure a great mom tip that I am happy to pass on!

After (left sneaker cleaned with magic eraser)